Our Values

Our values serve as our guiding principles. We embody and practice our values in our work and daily lives, and as an organizational team and a global community we hold each other accountable to this commitment. Each of our values both root us in our purpose as individuals and in community, and drive us forward on our paths of peace. Honoring these values grounds us in our collective work to end violence in all forms. 


We believe understanding people, systems, and realities around us serves as the entry point to transforming conflicts and living life in trust with others. We believe listening from the heart leads to understanding. We listen deeply, give space to, and promote understanding of those whose voices are not always heard or centered. We engage in compassionate listening, storytelling, and education to connect with those who are different from us and to embrace the experiences of others.


We believe in the visionaries, pioneers, ancestors, and leaders who come before us. We focus on their models and examples to ignite inspiration in ourselves and in our communities. This inspiring spirit breathes life into our work, and opens gateways to further creativity, innovation, and models of hope.


We believe people are ever-evolving, ever-growing beings. We see beauty in the unknown, and see opportunity for growth in transformation. We use inspiration to propel us beyond our current ideas and ways of being, and leap into the unknown to discover new chapters of ourselves. We recognize that faith in the transformation process requires courage, and ultimately leads to being our most authentic selves.


We believe we all hold responsibility in creating and nourishing the world we want to live in. We continuously integrate our ideals and learning with practical experience and inspired action. Our actions contribute to uplifting, honoring, and centering the voices and lived experiences of those historically and presently marginalized and colonized to ensure our peace practices serve towards liberation, justice, and dignity. Our service to humanity and the planet is our commitment to investing in our shared future and impact. 


We believe people and nature provide endless lessons and models on connection, beauty, peace, and abundance. We listen to and learn from these lessons to pass on our efforts to others. We sustain ourselves and our planet by viewing each living being as a partner and peer, equal in value, worth, and contribution. We believe inclusivity and agency are essential to sustainable peace practice, and we co-create and nourish community with shared ownership. Our connection through community sustains us, and together will sustain peace across our planet.


We believe the world is interdependent and interconnected. We believe in humanity’s boundedness. We recognize and honor the innate value and dignity in each person regardless of race, religion, culture, gender, sexual orientation, class, ability, etc. and in all nature. We live out from this standpoint and understand our actions have rippling impact around the world. We believe our individual prosperity is intricately interwoven with the prosperity of every other living being, even oceans apart. We can only thrive by thriving together. We are one.


We believe love is the highest value. Love is our breath, and sustains us in all we do. Love for ourselves, others, and the planet serves as our guiding universal goal, and grounds us in our purpose. We live and lead with and from love.