Peace Practice Alliance

Individuals dedicated to leading peace and systems change call for deep, ongoing community support, inspiration, and brave spaces for learning. The Peace Practice Alliance holds space for emerging peacebuilders to deeply connect, learn, reflect, and gain resources and certification with similarly visionary leaders around the world to further their peace leadership practices. The Peace Practice Alliance program cultivates and nourishes communities of peace leaders.



peacebuilders from around the world in a heart-centered environment to build an inclusive, resourceful, and supportive community


peace leaders with an understanding of peace leadership in a peer-learning environment


peace leadership within ourselves, in our relationships with each other, and in our communities 


The Peace Practice Alliance is a six-month peace leadership experience. An international cohort of emerging peacebuilders collaborate through an intensive virtual learning and community building journey exploring and developing peace leadership theories and practices. The Peace Practice Alliance consists of six modules that guide through the peace leadership model and how to apply it in our work and lives. Following a model of inform, inspire, and transform, participants have opportunities in each module to gain new knowledge and skills, actively engage and apply learnings in their own lives, and deeply reflect. The Peace Practice Alliance exists as a living system, and the experience evolves through the ongoing co-creation and collaboration of all participants.

virtual classroom

Participants will have access to an online learning platform that helps foster personal, interpersonal, community, and global peace practices, and strengthens and deepens their peacebuilding in their respective communities. Participants will experience global virtual workshops, cohort meetings, and experiential learning opportunities.

global community

The heart of the Peace Practice Alliance is the morally courageous, soul-driven, inspired community of global peacebuilders. Participants will be part of and nourish an inclusive, tight-knit cohort to share stories and practices, provide support and encouragement, and cultivate relationships with fellow peacebuilders.

peace projects

Participants learn to apply the peace leadership model to projects in their communities, regions, and the world. At the culmination of the program, participants are tasked with leading and implementing peaceful projects in local and/or global contexts. Participants use their Peace Practice Alliance experience to effect change with the support of a global community.


program grounding

The Peace Practice Alliance program grounds in a Peace Leadership model, originated by Dr. Whitney McIntyre Miller and colleagues. They share, “peace leadership is about our abilities to work together to challenge violence and aggression and build positive groups, communities, organizations, and societies. Peace leadership provides a space for us all to work both individually and together to make the world the place where we want to live.”

Euphrates believes choosing peace begins within. When we practice personal peace, we carry those practices into our interpersonal relationships. As we build and engage healthy, peaceful relationships, we cultivate peaceful communities. As we cultivate communities of communities who choose peace, a critical mass of peacebuilders will effect systemic change globally. These deep relationships to one’s self and others built on understanding, compassion, and love will inspire and expand awareness of the interconnectedness of all living beings. We believe a global community of every day peacebuilders will end violence in all forms, from the personal to the global.

Annual Report 2020_04_postcard (dragged) 3 (2) copy.jpg

Reflections from Peace Practice Alliance Alumni

Program Donation

The Peace Practice Alliance invites a sliding scale program donation to Euphrates to support the program and the community. Upon acceptance to the Peace Practice Alliance, participants are invited to contribute based on financial ability and an amount that feels joyful to contribute between $0-500 USD.


Program Certification

This program is academically vetted and accredited by the Centre for Executive Education at the University for Peace (UPEACE), established by the General Assembly of the United Nations. UPEACE is dedicated to providing an international institution of higher education for peace, with the aim of promoting among all human beings the spirit of understanding, tolerance and peaceful co-existence. Within that context, the Centre for Executive Education offers transformational educational experiences that allow participants to deepen their positive impact on the interconnected world around us.

Upon completion of program requirements, participants receive certificates of completion endorsed by Euphrates Institute and the Centre for Executive Education at the University for Peace (UPEACE).