Posts in news
"Connection, not isolation" - a response to COVID-19

At this moment in time, we have been cast into new territory.
In many corners of the world people are being asked to step away from their offices, schools, and community gatherings. Events and activities are being suspended or canceled. In my corner of the world, we are not accustomed to slowing down and stepping away from the hurried pace of life. We are all being asked to take precautionary steps and participate in social distancing. How do we heed this advice and not get swept into the fear frenzy? How do we stay united while safely apart?

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The Power of Humility: from Israel to India

The past month has been a pilgrimage of sorts, from holy land to holy land, learning about two simple, humble servants of mankind, Christ Jesus and Mahatma Gandhi, whose wisdom and teachings continue to inspire most of the world.  It would take a lifetime to grasp the depths and wisdom of these greats, yet how evidently alive are the Christ-spirit and Gandhian-spirit today.

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Turning War Grief into Positive Peace: A Journey to Geneva with TAPS’ families of the military fallen from around the world

In the peacebuilding field, we talk a lot about transformation, but it was a special opportunity to meet folks from around the world who have lost family members due to war and conflict, become messengers and activists for peace. I participated in “Geneva Peace Week” as a member of a delegation from TAPS International

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A conversation with James Offuh, Euphrates Chapter leader and United for Peace Against Conflicts International

We often talk about “turning the Other into a brother” but a lot of us struggle with just how to do that. We had the opportunity to hear the example of an extraordinary peacebuilder. James Offuh has dedicated his life to bringing heart to heart listening and dialogue to communities in his home country of Cote d’Ivoire. 

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International Day of Peace Reflection

“Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” The lyrics of this iconic song have been singing in my head and heart since International Day of Peace on Saturday, September 21. Euphrates looks forward to uniting with the world on this day each year….

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Amplifying the Collective: Reflections on the River of Hope Summit

Rivers can be turbulent and intense, placid and calm, or chaotic and swirling. The River of Hope Summit was perhaps all of those things. But there is an underlying current and flow to rivers that was so evident in the time together—a higher order that seemed to be governing what transpired in the room and in our hearts.

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