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Community Call and Workshop
8:00 AM08:00

Community Call and Workshop

Please join us for our next Community Call and Workshop on June 28th at 8 am Pacific Daylight Time/ 11 am Eastern Daylight Time.  The first 30 minutes of the call will be a community check in and then we will have a 60 minute workshop led by Gretchen Steidle, founder of Circles of Conscious Change, LLC and Global Grassroots on Managing Stress, Building Resiliency.  

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Meeting ID: 570 367 366
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Community Call
5:00 PM17:00

Community Call

Join us tomorrow for our community call at 8am Pacific/11am Eastern.

We will talk about the passage, “What I learned from trees” by Herman Hesse as a prompt for Friday’s circle. And will look forward to listening into these questions:

- How do you relate to the notion that every path leads homeward? 
- Can you share an experience of a time you were inspired to be who you are?
- When you listen to trees, what do you hear?

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Meeting ID: 570 367 366
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